πŸ€–Problem: interoperability

Despite the immense potential of the Internet of Things, its large-scale implementation still faces several major challenges:

  • Technological complexity: connected objects use a multitude of fragmented proprietary protocols (LoRaWAN, ZigBee, BLE, NB-IoT, 5G...). Each with its own specific infrastructure, security and data management requirements. This diversity creates silos, creating barriers to entry in the design of smarter, more efficient objects.

  • Lack of standardization: there is no common standard for identifying all connected objects and the technologies they use.

  • Security issues: current IoT protocols often present vulnerabilities. Data transiting over these successions of private systems and redundant databases is vulnerable to hacking, data loss or data access problems.

  • Lack of traceability: there is no reliable way of tracing the origin and integrity of data generated by objects. Impossible to detect if they have been altered.

  • Data sovereignty: users have no control over their data, which is stored on centralized vendor servers.

  • Redundant infrastructure: the value chain required for an end-to-end system requires a succession of redundant systems and connectors, which are often inflexible and cost-effective.

Connectify solves these problems with a global approach, using blockchain to guarantee decentralization, traceability, security and standardization.

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