Complex ecosystem
A complex IoT ecosystem
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A complex IoT ecosystem
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The current Internet of Things ecosystem is extremely complex, due to the multiplicity of technologies and the superposition of technical layers created by each player in the value chain. What's more, there is no standard for identifying objects in the same way as MAC (Media Access Control) addresses identify the network card of WiFi routers or computers in general.
In terms of connected objects, there are already a dozen different communication technologies: LoRaWAN, Sigfox, NB-IoT, LTE-M, ZigBee, Bluetooth, WiFi... Each with its own frequency bands, range, data volumes and adapted uses (indoor/outdoor, type of data, energy consumption, etc.).
In terms of infrastructure, each technology can depend on its own network with a specific architecture, or be used privately and independently. For example, the Sigfox network is organized into a terrestrial network with antennas that collect messages from objects.
The objects themselves are made up of multiple building blocks: sensors, microcontrollers, radio modems, antennas... from a wide range of manufacturers. Integration requires advanced technical skills. Once the data have been collected by the infrastructure, they are routed to back-end information systems. Here too, a multiplicity of solutions is required: databases, processing and analysis software, dashboards, etc.
This complexity hampers innovation and forces companies to carry out complex and costly bespoke IoT projects. CONNECTIFY aims to simplify the go-to-market and create common standards that are easier to use.