Cyber security risk
Is an operational risk affecting the confidentiality, integrity or availability of data and information systems. It can also be caused by unintentional human error or accident. It can also be the result of deliberate computer malice, such as a hacker attack, an attempt to retrieve confidential information, interception of communications on public wifi networks, or the exploitation of software flaws, not to mention ransomware.
Market risks
Digital assets regularly fluctuate upwards and downwards, making them volatile. This rapidity of fluctuation, which is particularly random and sudden, means that customers need to measure their exposure according to their investor profile.
Risk of capital loss
Represents the risk of discrepancies and mismatches between a customer's future profit prospects and actual fluctuations in the price of digital assets. The particular volatility of digital assets can lead to substantial or even total loss of the capital invested by the customer.
Technological risks
These relate to the blockchain technologies on which digital assets are deposited, and to the manipulation of cryptographic portfolios. They may include, but are not limited to, forks or shortcomings on the part of blockchain developers.
Currency risk
When an investor acquires a digital asset in a currency other than the legal tender in his or her country of residence, there may be a difference, upward or downward, in exchange rates and correlatively, a valuation or devaluation of the digital asset acquired in foreign currency.
Latency risk
Refers to the risk of fluctuation in the value of a digital asset between the time it is acquired and the time its purchaser actually takes possession of it.
Liquidity risk
Corresponds to the impossibility for a user to sell his digital asset when he wishes, due to the non-existence or narrowness of the market for this asset, which is likely to alter the price of this asset. It is important to note that some digital assets are more liquid than others, and that this restriction may be rapid and unexpected.
Availability risk
CONNECTIFY will use its best efforts to ensure the permanence, continuity and quality of access to the Services. Nevertheless, CONNECTIFY does not guarantee access to its services at all times, in particular, but without limitation, in the event of maintenance, breakdown or interruption.
Counterparty risk
This risk arises when a third party defaults on its obligations, resulting in a financial loss.
Investor risk
Corresponds to the risk of a customer acquiring a product that is not adapted to his or her financial situation, asset allocation, risk appetite, experience, understanding, investment objectives and needs.
Customer account hacking risks
Client account hacking is when a third party gains unauthorized access to the account of its legitimate owner, without the latter's knowledge, with or without malicious intent.
Tax risks
The company does not provide tax advice. It is the User's responsibility to take the necessary steps to declare and pay taxes on digital assets in accordance with current legislation.
Regulatory risk
The company's activities are regulated by strict and constantly evolving international regulations. Changes in these regulations may result in restrictions on customers' use of CONNECTIFY services.
Legal risk
Each digital asset has a legal status specific to its purchaser. It is therefore the customer's responsibility to keep abreast of the legal framework applicable to digital assets in their respective jurisdictions, and any resulting obligations or prohibitions.
Time risk
Digital asset markets are not subject to temporal interruption, so fluctuations in asset prices can affect your gains or losses at any time.
Third-party risk
CONNECTIFY deals with third parties in the provision of its services, such as technical, regulatory, financial and banking partners. CONNECTIFY accepts no liability for any loss arising from your relationship with these third parties.
Risk of digital identity theft
This type of Internet fraud aims to impersonate CONNECTIFY in order to gain access to data or bank accounts and misappropriate funds, or to damage CONNECTIFY's reputation. CONNECTIFY invites you to make the necessary checks, as the company declines all responsibility and will not be able to return the money invested in the event of fraud on these platforms.
Last updated